Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 3:18

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Same O’ Same O’ Church Services

We are near the end of summer and you realize your church did the same old (same o’ same o’) church picnic. Need some fresh ideas?

How about a Camo Sunday at your church next summer? Admission to the fun is wearing camouflage. Invite your community. Have it at the park where you ditch the pews for lawn chairs and park benches. If it is difficult to see the pastor for the sermon, use a six-foot tree stand. After services, have a picnic or grill hotdogs. 

A second idea is an Ice Cream Social. On a hot summer evening, nothing will attract the neighborhood like cold homemade ice cream. 
Put up a big screen or sheet and show family movies on the church property. Add snow cones and popcorn to continue the Movie Night theme. 
A Galilean Service is another fun summer activity. Find a good fishing lake, river, or farm pond. Invite the church and community to food and fishing. After an hour of catching fish, the pastor and worship team paddle a short distance from the shore or dock. Numerous sermons could be preached about Jesus and the disciples on the waters of the Galilee fishing for men. Finish the fun with lunch or a fish fry.